
Finding your best and most on-brand stories is the most critical aspect of media relations. A good story commands the attention of the media and makes a brand’s message(s) viral-worthy.


A great storyteller will capture the most compelling stories a company or organization has to offer and then use strategic pitching to land that story in media outlets.


Take Shape PR works as the journalistic gatekeeper, ensuring stories are relevant to the reporter’s audience, educational, and inspiring. This process is key to convincing a media outlet or outlets that your story is worth telling and sharing.

Media Messaging & Strategy

A marketing team often knows that earned media placement is a fantastic way to support brand messaging. It can be confusing, however, to translate brand messaging into news.


This is because most of the time, a brand’s verbatim messaging — particularly what is being used in advertising, social media and other marketing materials — isn’t what a journalist wants or needs for a news story.


To get in the news, you have to think like a journalist. Take Shape PR filters a brand’s overarching message(s) through a journalistic lens to create media messaging and outreach strategy that works.

Media Relations

Public relations is all about walking the line between pleasing your clients and pleasing the media. Journalists get thousands of story ideas delivered to their inboxes on a weekly (or even daily) basis!


Take Shape PR cuts through the clutter with an approach that is direct, to-the-point, and delivered in a way that provides all of the components a journalist needs to go after a story.


Media relations is about being brief, brilliant, and useful to the media narrative. It’s not just a skill — it’s an art.

Spokesperson Training

Talking to the media doesn’t always come naturally to people. And even if you think it comes naturally to you, it’s also very easy to become a deer-in-headlights unless you are skillfully trained by an expert.


Take Shape PR provides one-on-one training with clients to ensure they feel prepared and confident when interviewing in either a live or recorded setting. This coaching is often ongoing and fine-tuned over a period of time.

Social Media

Social media and blogs, while intrinsically different than traditional media, are also a place people go to consume daily headlines. Because of this, a business’ social media accounts can be highly visible places to distribute brand messaging. But again, this must be done with carefully crafted wording and tone.


Take Shape PR creates viral-worthy an SEO-optimized content for companies, as well. This service is typically provided as an add-on capability for small to mid-sized businesses.

